2018 Blog

Day 25: Mendocino

We all sat around, cried (of course) and felt so encouraged by so many of our loved ones. It’s just what we needed to finish our trek to San Diego.

Grace and Savannah told us that the days leading up to San Francisco were the hardest days and they were right. They’ve been hard. California sure greeted us with a warm welcome of hills. Since the last blog post, we have done more mileage and more elevation than we’ve done this whole trip. But man has it been worth it.

We’ve met the most gracious people and have had the best time since we crossed the state line… which brings me to one of our best days yet DAY 25. For many reasons that I will explain, but I’ll start off by saying that we spent this morning celebrating our sweet Lexie girl who turned 21!!!! We woke her up, blindfolded her, and took her to the beach where we sang happy birthday and ate cake at 8 in the morning!!!!

After the festivities, we rode a whopping 7 miles to Mendocino. During our ride we were told that we were given free passes to the town spa!!!! Man, did that give me motivation to pedal as fast as I could. Hot tubs, saunas, and showers!! They were incredible. We felt like queens.

Later we met our host for the night, Jesse, who lived in a lighthouse!! He gave us a tour of his unique home which ended in the best surprise ever!! Grace and Savannah had reached out to our friends and family and asked them to write us letters of encouragement. Our host Jesse had graciously been holding all of our letters and packages for so long. We all sat around, cried (of course) and felt so encouraged by so many of our loved ones. It’s just what we needed to finish our trek to San Diego.

To all the people who wrote us letters: thank you so much for taking the time to write us! y’all have no idea how much it meant to us. we will forever hold those letters close to our hearts.

For dinner we had pizza and ice cream (ptp’s main food group) and enjoyed the rest of our night in Mendocino. We loved our time there and miss it already. It’s another city to put on the list of places that we will miss the most.



July 12, 2024
Chloe Aguilar

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