2019 Blog

Day 3: pizza and a bee sting

Day 3 we woke up in the wonderful Elma RV Park with clean laundry and a good night of sleep! The RV Park had a little kitchen where we made pancakes and coffee which was glorious since we had no coffee day 2 because we exploded it in the jet boil (someone help).


After the insane hills day 2 all of our bodies were stiff but we were excited for 42 miles of mostly flat roads! About 8 miles into the ride a bee flew through Christina’s helmet and stung her on her face, so that made for an interesting start to the day. We decided to laugh it off and keep trucking (she’s a champ)! The rest of the day was pretty mundane honestly, but it made us really excited when we saw people outside that we could talk to about our ride and The Refuge.


People have been so supportive and encouraging, and a sweet man donated to us at dinner! Speaking of dinner, we were beyond thankful for the pizzas donated to us by Jeremy’s Farm to Table in Centralia, WA. We ate like maniacs and then went to our hotel rooms (THE BIGGEST BLESSING!!!!) at the Holiday Inn Express and slept like babes. Needless to say, yesterday was good. I learned how to find joy and purpose in the ordinary and be thankful for the little things. Let’s go day 4!  


-Robyn Whitaker

July 12, 2024
Chloe Aguilar

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