Ellie Rudy

Austin, TX

I’m riding with Pedal to the Pacific because everyone deserves to feel like they can take ownership of their bodies. Nobody should have the right to take that feeling away.

Articles by 

Ellie Rudy

Big Sur

"Expert level” said The American Cyclist Association of The Sur.
July 22, 2021
Ellie Rudy
2021 Blog

Importance of access to healthcare for survivors

...other avenues to accessible healthcare are crucial.
July 11, 2021
Ellie Rudy
2021 Blog

I ride because I can

"What I mean is, I’m not a grownup by any means."
February 21, 2021
Ellie Rudy
Why I Ride

Interested in Joining?

Join the Pedal the Pacific team and cycle 1,700 miles in the name of justice and freedom.