I’ve always been irked by the thought of someone not having a voice. Rather it be having a voice in a relationship, at home, or in the workplace; no one should feel as if they cannot be heard. Growing up this was always something that bothered me. I don’t know if it is because since I can remember, I grew up standing up for my little sister when the neighbor boys down the street wouldn’t listen to what she was trying to say. I’m not 100% sure what it is but I am 1000% sure that I have a passion for the idea of everyone being heard no matter what it may be. The idea of a girl being silenced by human sex trafficking, and feeling alone because of it, is why I ride.
Never would I have thought I would be riding 1,700 miles. Considering one of my first memories with a bike involved scratches all down the front of my face, a steep driveway, and a pink bike missing it’s training wheels, it didn’t cross my mind.
But you know what also should have never crossed a girls mind...the thought of finding yourself trapped and scared by sex trafficking. No girl should have to worry about being trapped. No girl should have to worry about getting out of their situation but not having the voice to do so.
These girls, so capable of loving others, so capable of reaching their full potential and so deserving of shining their light on the world around them need someone on their team. I want to be one of the individuals stepping up against this unexcusable, terrifying problem because I want to make my voice in this fight the most powerful it can be.
I only know a small sliver of the entirety that human sex trafficking is, but the statistics I’ve learned and stories I’ve heard have been able to ignite a passion. A passion to put an end, a passion to educate myself as much as I possibly can. There is definitely a lot of unknown, but I am certain I am not afraid to talk about it and am eager to give my time and energy. The idea of making a difference with Pedal the Pacific to give power to those silenced, is why I’m ready to ride!