Cameron Ciambotti

Charlottesville, VA

Every person should have the right to decide what happens to their body and we must advocate for those who have had that right stripped away. I hope to help spread awareness about sex trafficking while giving survivors the resources they need to begin the healing process.


Articles by 

Cameron Ciambotti

A letter to the patriarchy

The sexism we encounter appears unintentional and unknowing...
July 28, 2021
Cameron Ciambotti
2021 Blog

Good surprises

...each day these conversations remind me of how naive I was.
June 29, 2021
Cameron Ciambotti
2021 Blog

How COVID-19 has affected the sex trafficking industry

98.66% increase in online enticement reports between Jan-Sept 2020
April 22, 2021
Cameron Ciambotti
2021 Blog

Beyond compassion: trauma-informed interaction

Our bodies carry us through this world and help establish who we are
March 9, 2021
Cameron Ciambotti
Why I Ride

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