Cara Smyrl

Waco, TX

I ride to show my community that the anti-trafficking movement is worth fighting for because no one should have to live in a world where their body is unwillingly exploited for sex day after day. By using a bike to get out of our comfort zones, we are speaking out against sex trafficking and ultimately sparking the change needed to support people who have been affected by this industry.


Articles by 

Cara Smyrl

17 takeaways

Here’s to the rest of our journey growing as advocates off the coast!
July 31, 2021
Cara Smyrl
2021 Blog

A new view of gratitude

How could I turn you guys away when I was supported in my time of need
July 12, 2021
Cara Smyrl
2021 Blog

Why a bike?

Out of my comfort zone, I am given the chance...
June 13, 2021
Cara Smyrl
2021 Blog

Designer to rider

Our actions can spark change in our communities
April 8, 2021
Cara Smyrl
Why I Ride

Interested in Joining?

Join the Pedal the Pacific team and cycle 1,700 miles in the name of justice and freedom.