Madilyn Warner

Fairhope, AL

Hi, my name is Madi Warner! I am a senior in high school who lives in Fairhope, AL, who isn’t exactly known for her cardio, and who has never traveled farther west than Texas... needless to say, I am SO excited to grow out of my comfort zone and advocate for victims of human trafficking with PTP 2018!!!


Articles by 

Madilyn Warner

Alumni Blog: Madilyn Warner

Lesson 7: The value of inviting people in cannot be understated.
December 1, 2023
Madilyn Warner
Alumni Blog

Why I ride: Madilyn Warner

...six people deep on your Instagram stalk...
February 9, 2018
Madilyn Warner
Why I Ride

Bigger than us

People can be so GOOD when you give them a reason to be
May 23, 2018
Madilyn Warner
2018 Blog

Day 1

Savannah said, “it only gets more beautiful from here.”
June 19, 2018
Madilyn Warner
2018 Blog

Day 12: going, thinking, growing, fighting

It was right there in front of our faces
June 29, 2018
Madilyn Warner
2018 Blog

Day 18: freedom

Today was one of the first days that I really missed my home
July 5, 2018
Madilyn Warner
2018 Blog


More names to add to the list of countless kindnesses
July 28, 2018
Madilyn Warner
2018 Blog

Interested in Joining?

Join the Pedal the Pacific team and cycle 1,700 miles in the name of justice and freedom.