Rebekah Komer

Columbia, MO

I ride because there are women whose voices have been silenced and whose dreams have been stolen. I ride because this is a larger issue than many of us are willing to admit and we all, myself included, have so much to learn. Everyone’s voice matters, we have so much progress to make, and we will make it quicker when we fight together.


Articles by 

Rebekah Komer


...and guess what? It was still raining.
July 14, 2021
Rebekah Komer
2021 Blog

Those who taught us to drive

Choice is something I’ve always had
June 2, 2021
Rebekah Komer
2021 Blog

Welcome to the team

"...but really that’s the least important part of our journey."
February 8, 2021
Rebekah Komer
Why I Ride

Interested in Joining?

Join the Pedal the Pacific team and cycle 1,700 miles in the name of justice and freedom.